Få en forståelse for dilemmaerne og mulighederne
Klimaforandringerne udspiller sig på mange forskellige niveauer, lige fra menneskets indvirkning til de økonomiske effekter. Samtidig er bæredygtig udvikling en forudsætning for virksomheders fortsatte vækst og samfundets udvikling.
EU har sat en række mål for den grønne omstilling. Derfor bliver det mere og mere relevant, at vi forstår og kan navigere i de uundgåelige dilemmaer, der kan opstå, når virksomheder og organisationer skal afgøre, hvilke bæredygtighedsprojekter der skal sættes i søen. Det er nemlig ikke muligt at optimere på alle parametre.
Klima og bæredygtighed set ud fra forskellige aspekter
Men hvordan kan du tackle dilemmaerne inden for bæredygtighed, og hvordan undgår du at stå med et forklaringsproblem?
Løsningen handler om, at du med afsæt i videnskaben forstår dilemmaerne og tager informerede valg. Du kan få kompetencer inden for både de naturvidenskabelige, samfundsvidenskabelige og humanistiske aspekter af bæredygtighed.
Søger du efter et kursus om bæredygtighed, der matcher netop jeres virksomheds eller organisations behov?
Med et skræddersyet kursus har du mulighed for at få tilrettelagt et kursusforløb, der giver dine medarbejdere et kompetenceløft inden for præcis det fagspecifikke emne, der interesserer jer, og som matcher netop jeres virkelighed.
Kursus | Niveau | Startdato | Varighed |
Diagnosis of Diseases of Agricultural and Horticultural Plants The course will introduce commonly occurring plant diseases in agriculture, horticulture and orchards etc. Hands-on experience with classical and web-based methods used in identifying causal organisms and diagnosing the diseases will be given. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Bachelor | Juli | 2 uger |
Protein Structure and Function in Biomedicine and Sustainable Biotechnology The aim of this course is to guide students who already have a basic knowledge of protein chemistry, through more advanced aspects of protein science based on critical reading of original literature, with themes like the role of proteins in disease and proteins as biotechnological tools for sustainable industrial applications. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Kandidat | TBA | 1 uge |
Creating Healthy Cities The course explores the built environment and examines how health and disease shape urban infrastructure and vice versa. It covers socio-political aspects of healthy urban living with a focus on disparities and migration challenges. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Kandidat og PhD | August | 2 uger |
Global Health Challenges This course is designed to strengthen university students’ problem-solving competencies and increase their engagement in real-world global health related issues. students will collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to come up with the best solution to a case question provided by an external public or private partner. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Kandidat | August | 2 uger |
Human Rights and Economic Law for the Green Transition The main objective of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the potential of two critical areas of international law, namely human rights and international economic law, to support the green transition and address the gaps left by international climate change law. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Kandidat | Juni | 2 uger |
Ways of Living: Danish Architecture & Urban Design The city of Copenhagen is our primary classroom, and walking lectures, sidewalk seminars, independent field studies, and collegial debates will be unfolded across a diversity of places within the metropolis. ‘Ways of living’, in this course, encompasses and addresses a diversity of human and nonhuman actors and relationalities, and acknowledges that architecture and urban design are never stand-alone but are always entangled as parts of something both bigger and smaller than themselves – both materially and immaterially. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Bachelor | Juli | 2 uger |
Bæredygtighed i grøn praksis Formålet med kurset er at klæde de studerende på til at diskutere bæredygtighed og beslægtede begreber, reflektere over hvordan bæredygtighed kan bidrage til værdiskabelse i forvaltning/virksomhed og projekter, foreslå bæredygtige løsningsmuligheder og se konsekvenser heraf samt handle bæredygtigt inden for deres fag. |
Professionsbachelor | November | 9 uger |
Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation The focus of the course is climate change impacts and the human response to climate change, including efforts to adapt to climate change, as well as efforts to achieve long term sustainability by avoiding or reducing the negative impacts of climate change. The course covers all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and includes an introduction to the physical science of climate change, adaptation and mitigation stategies as well as climate change policy and social change. |
Kandidat | September | 18 uger |
Understanding Sustainability The overall purpose of the course is to provide BSc students from natural science and social science backgrounds with a roadmap to understand different concepts of sustainability and sustainable development, enabling students to qualify and reflect upon sustainability aspects in their own education and future professional practice from an interdisciplinary perspective. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Bachelor | August | 3 uger |
Sustainable Development of Land Use The course aims to engage in contemporary discussions of the sustainability of different land uses and situate these in an interdisciplinary understanding based on theoretical frameworks from land system science, anthropology/cultural history, and economics. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme. |
Kandidat | August | 2 uger |