Vær med, når samfundets problemer skal løses

Verden er i en hæsblæsende udvikling. Det betyder, at nye og store udfordringer banker på vores dør. Men hvordan løser vi dem egentlig bedst?

Med en efteruddannelse inden for samfund, politik og økonomi får du forskningsbaseret viden om, hvordan vi skaber forandringer gennem individer, organisationer og samfundsstrukturer.

Det er nemlig en del af svaret, når nutidens udfordringer skal løses.

Tre trin: Forstå, analysere og handle

Vores kurser klæder dig på til at være medskabende på nutidens forandringer. Det gør vi ved at kombinere faglige indsigter inden for centrale temaer såsom klima, miljø, diversitet, digitalisering og sociale medier med et forskningsbaseret udgangspunkt for at forstå, analysere og handle på samme temaer.

Kurserne centrerer sig om antropologi, sociologi, statskundskab og økonomi. Kurserne er også relevante for dig, som har en anden faglig baggrund end de fire ovenstående.


Skræddersyede forløb

Skræddersyede kurser giver dig mulighed for at tilrettelægge et kursusforløb for en gruppe medarbejdere i samarbejde med undervisere fra Det Samfundsfaglige Fakultet. I får et forløb som er målrettet jeres behov. Det kan være et kompetenceløft med udgangspunkt i jeres strategiske målsætninger, opdatering på ny viden og/eller nye metoder, eller håndtering af nye muligheder og krav affødt af den samfundsmæssige udvikling.

I samarbejde med jer udvikler Det Samfundsfaglige Fakultets forskere et forløb, som giver jer det optimale udbytte af jeres investering i efteruddannelse.

Efter jeres ønske kan kurserne foregå hos jer eller hos os på Fakultetet på Nørre Farimagsgade.

Kontakt os for en uforpligtende dialog om, hvordan vi kan opfylde jeres behov.


Det Samfundsfaglige Fakultet
Efter- og videreuddannelse
Johanne Køpfli Møller
Tlf. 5216 7773


Kursus Niveau Startdato Varighed
Creating Healthy Cities
The course explores the built environment and examines how health and disease shape urban infrastructure and vice versa. It covers socio-political aspects of healthy urban living with a focus on disparities and migration challenges. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Kandidat og PhD August 2 uger
Global Health Challenges
This course is designed to strengthen university students’ problem-solving competencies and increase their engagement in real-world global health related issues. students will collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to come up with the best solution to a case question provided by an external public or private partner. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Kandidat August 2 uger
Citizen Science
This MSc course offers an in-depth introduction to citizen science: the involvement of the public in all levels of the scientific process. Citizen Science is an innovative method with the potential to collect large amounts of data over short time periods and is increasingly recognized for its enormous potential to make research relevant to the public by their involvement in the research process. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Kandidat Juli 2 uger
Global Health Solutions
This course is designed to strengthen university students’ problem-solving competencies and increase their engagement in real-world global health related issues. students will collaborate in multidisciplinary teams to come up with the best solution to a case question provided by an external public or private partner. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Kandidat og PhD August 1 uge
The Economic History of Europe
This comprehensive course offers theoretical and historical insights into the evolution of Europe. A special focus will be on the last 200 years of dramatic economic development, when a remarkable increase in income has been accompanied by recurrent crises and increased world inequality but decreasing domestic inequality. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Bachelor og kandidat TBA 3 uger
Organization Theory
Organization theory is an interdisciplinary field, and the course draws on perspectives from different social science disciplines. The course focuses on work organizations, both business organizations (private firms) and organizations within the public sector. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Bachelor og kandidat TBA 3 uger
Science as a cultural human right
This course will take a multidisciplinary approach to the right to science and to cultural rights in general, exposing students to fields outside their respective core disciplines of study. Among the topics focused on are scientific freedom and dissemination, the importance of international scientific collaboration, and the relationship between intellectual property and authors’ rights. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Kandidat Juli 2 uger
Managing and Analyzing Data in Social Science
The course aims to develop students’ skills to conduct own data management and analysis through hands-on work in groups and mainly uses the free statistical software package R and briefly introduces the geographical information software Q-GIS. Part of UCPH International Summer Programme.
Kandidat August 3 uger

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